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Page history last edited by Daf 16 years, 8 months ago

EVOSessionsTimelineEVO teamTESOL ConventionTESOL PD coursesCALL IS





A Project of TESOL's CALL Interest Section


January 14 - February 24, 2008

Registration: Jan 1 - 14

The Electronic Village Online Sessions


For six weeks , participants can engage with ESOL experts in collaborative, online discussion sessions or hands-on virtual workshops of professional and scholarly benefit. These sessions will bring together participants for a longer period of time than is permitted by the four-day land-based TESOL convention and will allow a fuller development of ideas and themes of the convention or of professional interest in general. The sessions are free and open to all interested parties. You do not need to be a TESOL member to participate.

Sessions are organized by TESOL's CALL Interest Section and run wholly by volunteers who have donated their time to serve the profession.

Sessions 2008


Click below to link to session complete descriptions. Join a session by following the link to the Yahoo Group in each description.

----> We strongly recommend that you sign up for no more than two sessions.


SessionsModerator(s)Brief Description
Advanced Tips & Tricks

for Successful Online

Teaching and Learning

-Dave Winet

and team

Participants will discuss and practice collaboratively some of the more advanced approaches and techniques that lead to effective online environment.
Becoming a Webhead-Dafne Gonzalez

-Teresa Almeida d'Eça

This is a hands-on workshop where participants explore Web 2.0 tools and share the best ways of using them in their teaching practices. We are part of the Webheads in Action virtual Community of Practice.
Blogging For EducatorsCarla Arena

and team

Participants will experiment with creating and enhancing blogs. They will also explore blog comment management, template personalization, tagging (labeling) and really simple syndication (RSS).
Effective Lesson Planning-Leticia Esteves

-Rubena St. Louis

Teachers will discuss the theoretical and practical aspects of lesson planning and will be designing their lesson plans taking into consideration their students' needs and their own individual teaching context.
EVO Video 2008:

 ESL/EFL Video Slide Shows

 and Vlogging

Ryan Detwiler

and team

This session is for teachers interested in learning how to use student-produced video slide shows and vlogs to enhance their classes.
Exploring the Big Apple,Byte by ByteSang Kim

and team

Using New York’s cultural centers, historic events, and architecturally unique buildings, teachers will develop virtual visits to venues in New York City that will introduce learners to New York and engage them in intensive research on the Internet.
Getting Started with Drama

in Your Classroom

Gary Carkin

and team

This Workshop focuses on drama activities for teachers who are interested in using drama-based techniques to teach English, but who have had little training or experience in the field of drama.
Getting the Most out of Web 2.0 for ESPButhaina Al-Othman

and team

This session is focused on the understanding and practical application of the new technologies and social software known as Web 2.0 to create new cultures of learning and teaching in ESP courses.
Integrating Technology

 into Adult ESL

Denise Guckert-von EhrenParticipants will: (a) Assess technology resources, (b)Review research, strategies and best practices for adult ESL technology integration, (c) Review online lesson plans that integrate language and technology learning, (d) Create a lesson plan or class project integrating technology.
I Got Rhythm:

Music in the Classroom

-Lee Baber

-Robert Brannan

It is our intent to explore ways that music can be made available in classroom situations. The hosts, though not music theorists, can offer a variety of resources and information to engage students
Research on Web 2.0 applications

 to English Language Learning

Jose M.RomeroThis session is directed to any English teacher who is interested in Research in the field of English Language Teaching and Learning, and to researchers who are studying the Web 2.0 phenomena.
Social Media in ELTBarbara Dieu

and team

This session offers practical guidance on using a set of freely available services and software applications. It also aims to develop a critically reflected understanding of these technologies, focusing on their use and implications in language teaching.
Teaching with PowerPoint-Kent Matsueda

-Roger Drury

and team

Our goal is to show how PPT can be used by both teachers and students. Teachers learn how to use it effectively for their own teaching, e.g. to support a lesson, as well as a tool for collaborative student projects.








EVO Team


Dafne González


Universidad Simon Bolivar,

Caracas, Venezuela


Elizabeth Hanson-Smith

(Past coordinator)

California State University, Sacramento, CA


Aiden Yeh

(CALL-IS liaison)

Wen Zao Ursuline College of Languages,



Vance Stevens

(TESOL PDC liaison)

Petroleum Institute,

Abu Dhabi, UAE

vance_stevens-at- yahoo.com

Chris Jones

Zayed University,

Abu Dhabi, UAE


Paula Emmert

Brussels, Belgium


Susan Marandi

Al-Zahra University Teheran, Iran


Buthaina al Othman

Kuwait University, Kuwait City,



Carla Arena

Casa Thomas Jefferson

Binational Center

Brasilia-DF, Brazil


Moira Hunter

ESIEE Grande Ecole d'Ingenieurs

Paris, France


Jane Petring

Collège Édouard-Montpetit

Longueuil, Quebec, Canada


Christine Bauer-Ramazani

St. Michael's College, Cochester,Vermont, USA




TESOL Convention


For information about the TESOL 2008 Convention Worlds of TESOL: Building Communities of Practice, Inquiry, Creativity, April 2 - 5, 2008, visit the TESOL site and link to > Professional Development > Conferences & Events


Other TESOL PD Programs


To find out more about the TESOL's Principles and Practices of Online Teaching Certificate Program (the foundation course begins January 14), go to TESOL and click on >EDUCATION and then > ONLINE EDUCATION, or e-mail edprograms@tesol.org

(EVO is not a part of the OTCP)







The CALL Interest Section of the international TESOL professional association offers the opportunity to participate in the Electronic Village Online (EVO), a professional development project and virtual extension of the TESOL 2007 Convention in New York. The intended audience for this project includes both TESOL 2008 participants and those who can participate only virtually.

You do not need to be a TESOL member to participate in sessions of the Electronic Village Online


TESOL Electronic Village Online (EVO)

A Project of TESOL's CALL Interest Section



EVOSessionsTimelineEVO teamTESOL ConventionTESOL PD coursesCALL IS

Copyright © EVO Coordinating Team. Created by Dafne Gonzalez, November, 2007



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